Taking A Hiatus…Where Does The Time Go?

I started my journey of blogging in January 2016. My last entry for the year was December 2016. I'm laughing on the inside, because I was supposed to take a little break and get started back up no later than July 2017. As I look through my notes the last blog I wrote was actually in August 2017, but I never posted it. Why is the question I ask myself? Although blogging required me to make time for myself and writing, I had grown to like it. However, I wanted to do something a little different. I wanted to bank a few blogs and have a little cushion versus rushing to have one ready to publish every other week. The unfortunate part, I never banked any or at least I never fully developed them. I have pieces of my blogs lying around, but not a fully constructed blog.

Here it is September 2018 and because of my DOIN (Declaration of Independence) and the things I say I want for my self, my PDP 2.0 teacher Lindsey Hopper challenged me to re-launch my blog and publish it by labor day weekend. After I wrote my first entry, I attended class the following week and accepted her challenge. Now I sit in my apartment on labor day weekend trying to figure out exactly what I want to write about. Procrastinating, stops, handling things, are all topics that pop up in my mind. But as I sit down, the word hiatus pops in mind. I took a very long hiatus and now trying to get that muscle back in writing, can be tough.

Hiatus-a pause or gap in a sequence, series or process. A break between two vowels coming together but not in the same syllable, as in the ear and cooperate. I like the ladder definition because it says a break between two vowels. This makes me think of the fact that I broke a vow with myself. My intentions were to blog twice a month and then increase from two to four times a month.

Earlier I mentioned my DOIN. The DOIN is like a blueprint for your career. You have goals, postulates, policies, purpose etc. At the time my policy was to blog and I broke that. I didn't just take a break from writing, I took a break from honoring myself, making the time to do the thing that I wanted to do and enjoyed. When I think about things in my life, I ask myself what else have I taken a hiatus from? Honestly speaking there have been a few things and when you do it trying to get back into the groove has proven to be challenging. At my studio, my teacher often talks about the mindset to do it now, don’t wait. The funny thing about a hiatus is that when you look up a year could pass and you will still be saying someday I’m going to get back to that.

My lesson from my hiatus has shown me that I need to push through it.  It also showed me that, if I give myself a way out, I will take it. Last but not least, it showed me that I have to maintain my policies and by not doing so, I don't honor nor put myself first. As you take a look over your last six-months ask yourself what have you been on a hiatus from.

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