Failures And Poor Decision: Or Is It Life Lessons And Character Building?
Have you ever been at a point in your life when you think about the failures you made or decisions you thought were extremely poor decisions and then look up and ask God, how did I get here? How did I stray away from the path?
Well I know I have on more than a few occasions. I sit and I try to analyze or go over my actions/choices that landed me in whatever predicament I am currently in. When I really think about it, I find myself getting madder by the minute, cursing my self because I knew better or at least I thought I did. As I continue to live and grow, I learn that the predicament or predicaments really weren’t the end all be all, my life wasn’t over. The tears I was crying, I would cry again or simply learn and keep on pushing. I learned that the things I called failures or poor decisions made me wiser and more knowledgeable as long as I was willing to learn and grow from them. The failures or disappointments that were going on, were building character. Shaping me for bigger and better things. I learned that those situations were temporary and how long I stayed there depended on my attitude towards it, my own perception.
See often times in life when something happen to us, for instance if we were let down. Things didn’t work out with that girl or guy. Or you didn’t get that part in the film or that dream gig that will allow you to make a lot of money and still pursue your We sometimes count that as a failure or beat ourselves up about what we did not do or what we should’ve done. We expend so much energy on something in that moment is the past. Recently I decided I didn’t want to live like that. I wanted to learn the lesson or gain the insight I was supposed to and move on. So long were the days replaying the situation over and over in my head about what happened like a broken record. Because when I continued to play the same negative message, I became lethargic. I didn’t want to do anything. I was comfortable sitting on that broken record. But where was that getting me? Nowhere!
Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve done this before meaning I changed my thought pattern the way I looked at things. However this time with my new found thinking it was different. I’ve been learning that to change the way you perceive things, or let things effect you really takes practice. You have to build that muscle up. Just like when you go to the gym and do your squats for a nice butt or work on your back so you can wear that backless dress, it requires practice, discipline and committing to what you want. You need the same type of practice, discipline and commitment to really change how you perceive things. No matter how big or small the situation is. You have to work the muscle and you have to commit to wanting to be the best person you choose to be and commit to how you want to look at life. You have to choose to operate from your full power, versus a negative version of you.
I guess what I’m getting at is that you can look at life and the unfortunate things that may have happened to you and wallow in the belly of that bad thing. Or you can look at life as a student and understand that you are always learning. Don’t look at is as a pass or fail or and A or D. But approach with the mindset, that it’s preparing you for the next level. Take what you need or learn in better words and move to the next grade/level. Understand that everything is a building block and that it’s preparation for something else. Taking this approach will save you from a lot of tears, unhappy moments, and the feeling of self-doubt or feeling like the wind was knocked out of you. Know and trust that you will be ok and live to learn another day.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Heart and Soul,
Candice Lenoir