Welcome to My blog


For years I’ve been saying that I wanted to write a blog. I even set up space for it on my website, but never committed to writing it. I’m not quite sure why it has taken me so long. I don’t know if it is because I questioned or wondered about the kind of content I wanted to put out. I wasn’t so sure of how much of myself I wanted to share, rather talk about things happening in life of everything pertaining to my acting career. Did I want everything to be positive and uplifting or just how I feel on that day?  Was it fear? I’m not quite sure. Well I’m very thankful for the good girlfriends in my corner. One of them said, just start, as we brain stormed on some concepts of this blog, I basically said, I just want to write about my journey and life as a whole, I don’t want to be boxed in. There are various pieces to me and I want to share it. Which is a little weird, because I’m very private, but open at the same time. Meaning you can ask me anything and I will tell you, but I don’t always volunteer my life story to people. In regards to being positive, the truth is, I am a very positive and uplifting person, however I am human and some days are rough. I prefer to look at the glass half full, but on some days it can look half empty and I have to reset my mindset, because God has truly blessed me. Like tonight for instance, I was suppose to write this blog at 8:00pm so I can post it tomorrow, before I leave for work. I’ve watched a movie and two thirty-minute television shows. In addition I had a talk with another great friend via text saying I’m freaking out about this blog and she simply said talk about something you have been thinking about.  To me this is glass half empty, versus bubbling over with excitement about writing. I know some of yawl may say, why are you freaking out, it’s a blog. Well truth be told, by me putting this out, I feel obligated to continue, like ok here I’m promising something, now I have to hold up my end of the deal. Anyone who knows me, know how serious I am about upholding what I said I was going to do. I’m praying to God that I’m consistent the way I want to be.

So what will this blog be about you ask?

This blog will contain topics on my true thoughts, my journey as an actress, fitness  health, relationships, finance, spiritual and what ever else God drops into my spirit. I will share with you all some throwback blogs I wrote, but never published; that I believe is still relevant. What I hope this blog does, is what I want my acting and any other endeavor I do accomplish. That is to inspire, encourage and motivate others. So I thank you for reading, sharing this blog with others and taking this journey with me.

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