Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with everything? One day you are fine, the sun is shining on your face, everything is under control and the next day, it’s like you are in a circus trying to juggle balls or balance several different plates that are spinning. Perhaps something came up that threw a monkey wrench in your plans and now you have to figure out how to make it work. Well recently that happened to me.
Read MoreLast week was a very rough week, we lost an extremely talented artist “Prince” whom contributed so much creatively to the music industry and touched so many lives. It seems as if we are loosing a lot of “The Greats” lately. During the loss we think about and celebrate them and their contribution and then we continue on with our lives, missing them and often recalling a story when that certain song or movie comes on that we love so much.
Read MoreHave you ever been at a point in your life when you think about the failures you made or decisions you thought were extremely poor decisions and then look up and ask God, how did I get here? How did I stray away from the path?
Read MoreI read this book entitled “In Search of the Proverbs 31 Man” a few years ago and the below passage grabbed my attention and made me think about a few things. Since I’m a former ball player, I completely understood the analogies that were made. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. I'm not sure if you watch basketball but if you are a believer or even if you are not. I ask, whom do you think is the most important player or players on the basketball court…
Read MoreYou may be wondering what the heck is she talking about. Well I had a big head and I’ll explain what I mean.
I normally consider myself to be a health conscious person. I believe in making sure you are eating macro nutrient rich foods, drinking water, eating your veggies and etc. I also believe that fitness is important as well.
Read MoreThis morning I was walking on the platform on the PATH train getting ready to catch the train to head into work I was listening to my ipod and I was listening to Group 1 (a Christian group) and debating rather I was going to bible study or if I was going to watch it on-line tonight.
Read MoreI have to ask this question, have you ever cheated before? Before you start discounting those grade school or high school cheats. Or even those little grey areas, like we were broken up for this period so I did see someone else, but that’s not cheating… lol.
Read MoreHave you ever found yourself, sitting around feeling a little bored, but can’t quite put your finger on why? All you know is that you want to fill this void that you currently have. Work is good, career is good, health is good, and you realize that your mind is not occupied with stuff. Then a light bulb comes on and it’s like “oh crap”, I cleaned house, I have no more DRAMA going on. You think to yourself, that’s good, so what do I do with all this free mental and physical time?
Read MoreFor years I’ve been saying that I wanted to write a blog. I even set up space for it on my website, but never committed to writing it. I’m not quite sure why it has taken me so long. I don’t know if it is because I questioned or wondered about the kind of content I wanted to put out. I wasn’t so sure of how much of myself I wanted to share, rather talk about things happening in life of everything pertaining to my acting career. Did I want everything to be positive and uplifting or just how I feel on that day? Was it fear? I’m not quite sure.
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